First Week With Braces: What to Eat?

The first week with braces

How to make the most out of your first week with braces? It all starts with your diet. Ann Arbor Orthodontic treatment is a medical treatment that seems to last a century. Most patients start wearing braces when they are just preteens and end their treatment plan of legal age.

For long-term treatment, traditional braces allow a mostly normal lifestyle. However, some restrictions and practices are crucial when you are an orthodontic patient. Compliance is a must to achieve results within the expected treatment length.

Patient compliance for people with braces translates into strict dental hygiene and dietary restrictions. Your orthodontist has good reasons to recommend you avoid hard foods and excess sugar.

Here’s why: Since braces difficult the dental cleaning routine by getting in the way, you have to be even more thorough in brushing and flossing. Bacteria always finds the perfect spot to hide, and you have to reduce its chances by washing it out of your mouth.

If you eat lots of sugary foods, the risk of getting cavities is higher, and you would be adding more work to your load.

What happens with hard or chewy foods is they can pull your brackets off your teeth. When you bite a meal like a corncob, you do it with the front of your teeth, which is where braces sit.

In most cases, you can still eat the foods you like in a different preparation. For example, you should not bite a corncob, but you can eat the kernels. You just have to learn what to it with braces.

What to Expect the First Week With Braces?

Another good reason to comply with food restrictions is that you can have sore spots or gums during the first days of getting braces or after adjustments and soft foods will help.

When your teeth hurt, you will want to use them the least possible. If you worry about soft food recipes being disgusting, keep reading because it does not have to be that way. Delicious foods are possible on a diet for braces.

You might even experience difficulty opening your jaws; it’s all part of the adaptation process. Remember, your orthodontist is moving your teeth to achieve the healthy smile you want.

Over-the-counter painkillers and patience will be your allies during these periods.

What Not to Eat With Braces The First Week

The dietary restrictions are split into two big categories; you should keep avoiding hard foods and chewy or sticky foods.

  • Hard candy or chewy candy.
  • Toffee.
  • Nuts.
  • Corncob.
  • Crunchy or crusty foods.
  • Ice cream.
  • Meat or chicken on the bone.
  • Super spicy foods.
  • Popcorn.
  • Chewing gum.
  • Apple, peach, and similar fruits (mince them!).
  • Crunchy vegetables or raw vegetables.

You can go back to spicy food and ice cream after the pain or soreness leaves your teeth. Avoiding thick cuts of meat or sushi rolls is also a good idea during this period.

What Are Some Good Soft Foods to Eat the First Week After Getting Braces?

We promised good recipes for soft food, and here they are. Sometimes it’s hard to stay inspired in the kitchen, but with a little help, you can still eat delicious and healthy meals.

Pasta is such a versatile ingredient you can turn it into a hundred different recipes. And you can find vegan pasta, gluten-free pasta, chickpeas pasta, et cetera. Even pasta salads are gentle on your teeth.

What if you follow a diet high in proteins and you can’t afford to eat soup and vegetable cream for three days? You don’t have to quit meat because you have a soft diet! You just need to change the preparation a little bit. You can boil chicken and eat it shredded, for instance, or eat ground meat.

Even soups can be fun and tasteful too. Find a recipe you like with your favorite ingredients, and you are good to go. The old vegetable cream also changes a lot if you add soft cheese to it.

Of course, mashed potatoes and vegetables are a great option, and you can give your puree recipe by adding different vegetables, orange juice, and butter.

Will Brushing and Flossing Hurt During the First Week With Braces?

The process is easy and very similar to when you didn’t have braces. You’ll need a toothbrush, water, and toothpaste. It’s better if you find a toothbrush for braces.

Since your teeth and gums will be sensible after you start treatment, what you need to do is be gentle. Optimize the cleaning by brushing each tooth around the gum line and each bracket to get rid of food debris.

Try a floss threader to make the process easier for you, and use it carefully between your teeth and molars. Using mouthwash after will help eliminate any remaining bacteria.

The Best Orthodontist Near Me

If you are thinking of starting orthodontic treatment with braces, make sure to find the right dental home near your area to ensure comfort during the whole process.

Ask your orthodontist which option is better for your case. Nowadays, patients can find adult braces, orthodontics for children, and Invisalign clear aligners for teenagers in Ann Arbor. You may be a candidate for a different appliance.

Don’t be afraid of starting teeth alignment. Our doctors will provide all the information and instructions you need to achieve the smile of your dreams and to do it in the smoothest way possible; after all, this is what sets us apart. SBK Orthodontics provides dental care for the whole family. Set an appointment and meet our team.